One of the biggest issues when purchasing sought streetwear in 2025 is replica products. Since our inception in 2022 we've seen replicas flood the market with unrealistic prices and lack of quality.
We've had countless requests from our customers and followers interested in or have purchased from marketplaces such as eBay and Depop with doubts regarding their items authenticity. Most of which were replicas sold as authentic items.
Thankfully, in AW22 Trapstar introduced Certilogo QR code labels inside their garments, with the debut product being the Trapstar Decoded Hooded Puffer Jacket 2.0.
These small Certilogo labels inside the garments provide a 100% certified way for customers to GUARANTEE their items legitimacy every time.
STRT SPLY proudly stocks a vast range of new season Trapstar Tracksuits, Puffer Jackets, T-Shirts & Shorts all with Certilogo's inside! Simply check our product descriptions or images to find out if the item is a newer season item with a Certilogo.
But what if a replica has a Certilogo label inside?
STRT SPLY is more than aware of newer replicas hitting the market with Certilogo's inside. We have had the pleasure of testing these items out and can confirm they will NOT pass as authentic. Certilogo uses algorithm's to detect counterfeit anomalies to further guarantee authenticity. Think of it like so..
Let's say Trapstar produce 100 jackets, 20 in X-Small, 20 in Small, 20 in Medium & so on...
Each of these individual items will have a unique 12 digit code inside. Although replica manufacturers aren't likely to be using a real 12 digit code, if they did an anomaly would flag with Certilogo and deem the 12 digit code as not authentic. Replica manufacturer's will use the same 12 digit code on every item they produce.
STRT SPLY's backbone is 100% authenticity, every time. Shop safely and if the price is too good to be true on an 'authentic' item, it usually is!
And don't forget to input your unique 12 digit code on Certilogo's website for your authenticity check, not just scan the QR! Hopefully we see more brands introduce this measure in 2025.
Shop our new range of Trapstar Items here.